digital platforms

Present Pasts: Memories of Slavery in Brazil

The main result of the project was the development of the digital platform and the mobile application Passados Presentes / Present Pasts, under the general coordination of Hebe Mattos, Martha Abreu and Keila Grinberg. The platform contains the database formed from the expansion of the Inventory of Reserves of Memory of Atlantic Slave Traffic and Africans Enslaved in Brazil (EDUFF, 2014) and four memory tourism routes, connected to the mobile application of the same title, which tells the story of the last generation of Africans enslaved in Rio de Janeiro, from their arrival at the Valongo Pier and then in clandestine ports on the coast of Rio de Janeiro, through work on the big coffee plantations, to the black migrations of the 20th century to the cities of the former coffee region and the city of Rio de Janeiro, in particular. It is a platform for scientific dissemination, as well as information for community and tourism memory, as well as a powerful teaching tool for the teaching of African history and Afro-Brazilian culture.

The history of this experience and its use by teachers of the schools of Rio de Janeiro can be accompanied by the hashtag #PassadosPresentes on the blog Conversa de Historiadoras and the video documentary Creating Present Pasts, available on vimeo and on the digital platform itself.

Other related platforms:

App Present Pasts: Memory os Slavery in Brazil

LABHOI|UFF Present Pasts Collection

Identidades do Rio

Detetives do Passado

Research Film Festival